Chicken thighs meet with a mellow mix of Indian spices and are grilled into weekend dinner excellence. In Indian cooking, most spices are toasted before...
Soup doesn't have to be loaded with meat to be deeply satisfying. This one from Mary McCartney, devoted vegetarian, cookbook author and a daughter of Paul,...
In Tunisia, baked omelets sometimes contain fish, while in Greece and Iran, yogurt is often stirred into the mix. Baked frittatas are easy to make and...
Here is a fast and flavorful dinner of chicken dusted liberally with cumin and served beneath a shower of lime juice, fresh chopped cilantro and garlic....
Travel anywhere in the Mediterranean region, and you will find stuffed vegetables. In Provence, they tend to be filled with meat (a way to stretch leftover...
This recipe started out as something else. I had in my pantry a bag of mixed sprouted lentils - black, green, and brown. I cooked them with the intention...
The large spherical couscous that we know as Israeli couscous actually has its origins in North Africa, where it is called muhamma. In Middle Eastern markets,...
This succulent chicken recipe came to The Times from Amanda Hesser in 2003, but it's as timeless as they come. Here, riesling lifts a rich cream sauce,...
Casseroles need not contain eggs or dairy products. And baked beans, exceptionally creamy after their long simmer in the oven, can be made into perfect...
Eggplant is a staple in the Arab world, the source of the dish called moussaq'a, a classic (and vegan to boot, if you leave off the yogurt). The key to...
Diana Kennedy, the British-born expert on the regional cuisines of Mexico, gave The Times this recipe, which combines squash with mushrooms and a poblano...
Braised dishes like this beef stew may feature green, orange, yellow or red vegetables but their most appetizing color is brown, the shade of brown whose...
Kale is a member of the cruciferous family of vegetables (genus Brassica), so named because their flowers have four petals in the shape of a cross. A nutritional...
This is one simple dish you can make if you have corn tortillas in the freezer and black beans in the pantry. Enfrijoladas are comforting enchiladas made...
A blissful blend of the reliably sweet (bell peppers, cubanelles, peperoncini) and the reliably fiery (Serranos, chile de arbol, Scotch bonnets) creates...
This recipe came to The Times when Amanda Hesser wrote about Rozanne Gold, the author of "Recipes 1-2-3," and her three-ingredient cooking. The bare-bones...
Waterzooi, a wine-deep Belgian stew originally made with fish, but more recently of chicken, was one of Julia Child's favorite dishes, first taught to...
A post-marinade is exactly what it sounds like: a flavorful mixture you sink meat or fish into after it cooks. Often used with grilled meats, the technique...